Egg-Wraps-1 pc: the lean green bean
Make this egg white wrap for a low-carb alternative to a sandwich or flour tortilla wrap! Ingredients:
  • 2 eggs w/ yolk removed - per wrap
  • Optional fillings: turkey, turkey bacon, veggies, avocado, hummus, fruit, yogurt, etc.
  • Optional seasonings: salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, basil, oregano, etc.
  • Heat a small skillet over medium heat. Grease with coconut oil. In a bowl, crack two eggs, remove yolks and mix well with a fork. Pour into the hot pan and tilt pan to spread egg white into a large circle on the bottom of the pan. (pour somewhat slow incase there is extra egg white). Let cook 30 seconds. (Sprinkle with seasonings if desired). Carefully flip with a large spatula and let cook another 30 seconds. Remove from pan and repeat as many times  as desired. Let egg white wraps cool slightly (or fully), stuff with desired fillings, roll and serve warm or cold.